Energy in Motion

Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy goes back to all the ancient cultures (thousands of years old; from ancient Egypt, Indian Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine) and is a technique using the distinct energies of crystals and minerals to act as amplifiers of energy being brought in during energy therapies.

Utilizing different crystals, minerals and gemstones for their specific energy frequencies can focus their particular forms of energy to alleviate specific complaints and blockages.

Crystals have a vibrational energy that work with a person's own energy, restoring vitality and balancing the person as a whole. Nearly all of our repressed emotions and energetic patterns/beliefs are held within the chakra and aura system, so by balancing them with the aid of crystals can enhance our sense of self-awareness and wellbeing into our lives.

There are two ways they can be used; either by having the person hold specific crystals in the palm of their hand; or by placing crystals on various points on or near the chakras. The crystal vibrations connects to the person's own vibrations, which aids in releasing any issues or blockages from the physical, mental, and emotional, and can also help cleanse the different layers of the aura.

During the session the crystals work with the person's energy field and the energy of the crystals placed on the palm or body will be absorbed by the client. Crystal Therapy can be used on its own or as a complimentary therapy with other modalities.